Scholarships & Academic Resources
Scholarship is one of the core values of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Michigan State. Every chapter has different GPA requirements that their members must meet each semester. Additionally, nearly every chapter has programs to help assist their members in need of help with their schoolwork.
Student Life & Engagement - Fraternity & Sorority Life Scholarships
To learn about other scholarships and funding opportunities available to MSU students, please visit the Student Life & Engagement Scholarships and MSU Scholarships website.
Questions? Contact Lisa Vanwelsenaers via 517-355-8286 or email
Academic Resources
Michigan State offers a plethera of resources, most of which are free, to help students achieve academic success. Below is a list of some of the resources across campus. Students are also encouraged to meet with professors during office hours, and study regularly rather than cramming.
Learn where you live! Every Michigan State Neighborhood is filled of different resources to help you succeed; including academic advising, math tutoring, help writing a paper, and even help rooms for popular classes. Find out what resources there are in your neighborhood on the neighborhoods website,
You can also find one of the many library locations across campus at their website, You can reserve a room for some quiet space or group study through the library's online reservation system.
Learning Resource Center – 202 Bessey Hall
*Courses and hours available online. Appointments are available. Walk-ins welcome.
Writing Center – 300 Bessey Hall
*Forums, Writing Topics, Facilitated Writing Groups, Workshops, and Paper Editing Tips.
*Online Appointment scheduler.
*9 on-campus locations, online consultation available
Department of Mathematics/Math Learning Center
*Free tutoring for 1825, 100 and 200 level math courses.
*Limited help available for 300 level courses.
*NO appointment needed.
*6 locations across campus
Department of Chemistry/Help Room – Rm. 81 and 83 Chemistry Bldg.
*Schedule posted outside of these rooms.
*Private Tutoring available. Courses, Schedules, and Fees available in 485 Chemistry.
Department of Statistics and Probability Help Room – A102 Wells Hall
*Schedule and hours available online.
*NO appointment needed.
College of Engineering – 1108 Engineering Bldg.
*Free Peer Tutoring. Request Forms available online
Besides the many MSU resources available, such as the Math Learning Center, tthe College of Engineering's Guided Learning Center (GLC) in the Diversity Programs Office (DPO) has, for about 15 years, provided peer tutoring.
College of Business Multicultural Business Program – 416 Eppley Center
*Free Tutoring in business related courses.
*Sign-up is available online.